Please let us know if your child is off colour or on medication of any kind. We do not like children who have vomited during the previous 24 hours to attend school. Persistent colds and coughs are best nursed at home to avoid infecting other children.
A child suffering from an infectious complaint (measles, chicken pox, head lice, cold sores, diarrhoea, etc.) may NOT attend school for the period specified by the Health Department. A doctor’s certificate (identifying the condition the child has been suffering from) is requested stating that the child is fit to return to school.
Please refer to the
Recommended Exclusion Periods for Infectious Conditions produced by Queensland Health.
Children who become ill during the day will be removed from the class to rest in the sick room in the administration building.
Any children who are considered by the Principal not well enough must be sent home. If a child becomes ill during the day, the parent /carer will be notified so that the child may be taken home as soon as possible. In the case of sudden illness or accident, the Principal will seek immediate medical attention.
Officers of the school health service now screen all children in the first year of Primary. Holy Rosary has a strong link with the Indigenous Health Unit and each year the children’s hearing is tested.
Administering Medication
If it is necessary for a child to take any medication during school hours, the parents are asked to complete a “Permission to Administer Medication” form. This form may be downloaded from the Forms & Downloads section of this website or collected from the school office. This form needs to be returned to the teacher with the correct dosage for the period in question.
Please refrain from sending requirements for more than this period. No medication can be given to your child without this form signed by the parent/carer and the doctor.
Head Lice
What happens if your child gets head lice? DON’T PANIC – anyone can get head lice and help is available. Begin treatment immediately and check for effectiveness. (For more information visit the Queensland Health Website.).
Send your child back to school as soon as effective treatment has commenced. Your child is not a risk to others as long as treatment has commenced.